Web Application Development Tutorial: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Web Application is a program or software that runs on a web-server, unlike the computer-based programs that run locally on a single machine or local operating systems. A Web Application provides free or paid services to the client. In a nutshell, it is software, but online.

web application development

Web Application vs Website

The basic difference is the interaction with each type, these are the general types:

# Web Applications are designed for interaction with the end-users. The users can read and manipulate the data or the content. EXAMPLE: Gmail, Facebook, Amazon etc.

# On the other hand, Websites contain static data or content. The data or content can be read but not manipulated. EXAMPLE: blogs, forums, virtual newspapers etc.

Components of Web Application:

A Web Application has primarily two parts:

1. Server-Side Development (Back-end)

This part of the web application includes behind-the scenes development, that is, writing code to store and organize data and communicating with the front-end to send or receive data or content from the web servers. The technologies mainly used to design this component are:

# Python
# C#
# JavaScript (Node.JS)

2. Client-Side Development (Front-end)

This part of the web application is the look and feel of the application that includes Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the website that the end users navigate or interact with in their web browser. The technologies primarily used to design this component are:

# JavaScript

3. Types of Web Application

This classification is based on the application’s functionality and how they are presented. Here are five different types of Web Apps, with each of their own features.

# Static Web Application

These types of web applications do not require any kind of interaction between the user and the server. It is mainly built using HTML and CSS to display the relevant content or data. An example could be, Individual’s Portfolio, Company’s Website etc.

# Dynamic Web Application

These types of web applications are very complex technically. Databases are used to load data and the contents are updated after the interaction with the Clients. An administration panel is usually used to control the front-end and back-end components of the application. These types of applications mostly use PHP and ASP.NET for their development. Examples may include Wikipedia, Netflix etc.

# E-commerce Web Application

Have you ever bought anything online? If yes, then you are aware of the most implemented Web application, known as e-commerce or m-commerce. These web applications are online portals that facilitate online transactions of products or services, through features that perform certain actions like enabling electronic payments via credit cards. PayPal or other known payment methods. Amazon, eBay, Walmart etc. are the perfect examples.

# Portal Web Application

These web applications are specially designed with a single access point, to retrieve relevant information for specific users. Different sections or categories are customized and accessible using just one Homepage. Examples include Emails, chats, search engines etc.

# CMS Web Application

A Content Management System often abbreviated as CMS is a web application that helps the users to create, modify and manage the contents of the website without any prior technical knowledge. In simpler terms, the tool being user-friendly, anyone can build a website from scratch without knowing to code at all. The CMS handles the back-end part of the website while the creator can focus more on the front-end part, that is, the aesthetics of the website. These kinds of web applications are widely used by bloggers, media, news pages, articles etc. Some examples of the CMS commonly used to create such web applications are:

WordPress: It is an open-source CMS, with a template system, that aids in building and hosting websites. If you are a beginner, WordPress is the best option to go with your application.

Joomla: In the second place, Joomla is also an open-source CMS for publishing content on websites. If your application will deal with multiple individuals, Joomla can be your choice.

Drupal: It is also a free and open-source CMS, that is widely used by people and organizations to maintain their website. This CMS provides custom functionality and good security at the same time.

4. Pros and Cons of Web Applications:

The surge in internet usage in the past few years has been phenomenal, directing many businesses and companies to create their own web applications. But just like with every technological advancement, web applications also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Before the development of web applications, it is essential to be aware of them to aid an individual in making a better decision.


# Economical – The cost factor is one of the most attractive advantages of web development as it cuts down the cost of the on-site hardware requirements, taking less time too. On the other hand, web apps are easily accessible using just a browser from any device.

# No Installation or Storage – There is no need to install a web application, freeing the end-users from the storage requirements. Hence, there is no need to use the application download platforms, such as App Store or Play Store. Just using a web browser is enough for the application to run.

# Easy Updates – In comparison to the desktop application in which the update has to be installed individually on multiple devices, the web application requires only an update to the host server and all the users can get instant access to the updated version of the application.

# Accessibility – As there is no need to transfer files, it makes it accessible from just about anywhere, as long as there is internet access.

# Platform Independent – As long as there is a web browser, Web Applications are designed to run on any Operating System, adapting to various screen sizes, making them easily accessible to the end-users.


# Internet Reliance – Even in this 5G internet era, losing one’s connection is still not unusual. An internet connection is mandatory to either browse through the website or simply run a web application.

# Website Dependency – A Web Application is completely based on its Web Browser. So, if the website undergoes any kind of failure, the web application will cease to function too.

# Security – Like any other application on the internet, the web applications are also vulnerable to attacks, even after following some of the best security practices available. That’s why it is imperative to follow SSL enforcement policies to reduce the breaches on the application and the server to some extent.

5. Web Application Development Process:

Everything starts with an idea or finding a solution to a problem. This is the information gathering phase. After the clarification of your product vision, market research should be carried out identifying the need, budget and goals of the application.

Design Stage

This stage mainly includes a sketch of the web application, identifying the workflow and the UI functionality of the Web Application.

Development Stage

At this stage, we start building the application by choosing a database and the tools that will be needed to develop the front-end and the back-end components of the web application.

Launch Stage

This stage involves testing the application thoroughly. Then, hosting it which means running your application on a particular server and finally deploying it and Go Live!

6. Web Application Optimization Techniques:

Once your web application is launched, it should be optimized in order to not just show up on the search results but appear high up on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), as many people do not scroll past the first SERP. A few key strategies to optimize your web application are:

Page Load Speed

One of the main reasons that websites rebound is the slow page load speed. The visitors will abandon a site if it takes a lot of time to load. Google also considers the slow loading while ranking websites. Load time can be improved by:

# Optimize images
# Reduce redirects
# Reduce server response time
# Enable browser caching
# Avoid unnecessary plug-ins
# Choosing a good hosting service

User Experience

Research shows that visitors are less likely to return to the website after a bad user experience. So, look out for UX issues, make sure your website is:

# Easy to use and navigate
# Content satisfying the user’s need
# Use hyperlink differentiation
# Appears credible and reliable
# Catch your 404s

Technical SEO

This refers to the tools that supervise the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of the application to index your website more correctly. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

# The web application should be mobile-friendly
# Remove duplicate content and description tags
# Use Google Analytics to check website traffic and fix the content of the underperforming pages
# Fix broken links as they impact the UX
# Use Google Search Console to submit the XML sitemap to Google.

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