How Designers and Programmers Can Improve SEO Together

When designing an SEO site, it’s pivotal that you understand one thing – you have two types of audience. The first type is the standard human audience, which is why web designers need to understand their expectations and criteria. The second one is the algorithm that sees this site through the eyes of Google bots. Programmers are people who understand the algorithm the best, which is why their insight into web design is invaluable for the world of SEO. With their combined strengths, they can find a way to improve SEO quite drastically.

1. Great web design increases page duration visit

The page duration visit is a crucial metric in one’s SEO. A well-designed page can, therefore, drastically increase one’s duration of the visit. A well-organized page, a visually pleasing one and an overall functional page can increase the amount of time that the visitor stays on various pages. On the other hand, a horrible page with a counter-intuitive design and navigation will scare people right away, thus increasing the bounce rate. Needless to say, bounce rate can drive your SEO rank into the ground as a few things can.

2. Site structure

A proper site structure and site architecture are the main requirements of both programmers and web designers. You should bear in mind that it needs to be optimized for Google crawlers, as well. How do you do this? Now, you should be very careful with the robots.txt file, seeing as how a single mistake here can prevent your website from being indexed at all. Without it being indexed, it will be virtually invisible for the search engine, thus defeating the purpose of everything else you do here. A site structure can make it easier for crawlers to “see” your domain and enter every corner of it in order to properly index it.

3. Intuitiveness increases engagement

Knowing how the site works is supposed to be intuitive. At the very least, this is what the majority of your audience will expect. This intuitiveness needs to be honoured no matter how creative your designers wanted to be. Now, while may see this as quite restrictive, one thing to bear in mind is the fact that doing the best you can within a certain ruleset still leaves a lot of room for creativity. If anything, it is a huge creative challenge that only the most talented and dedicated designers will be able to pull off.

4. Design and CTA

The correlation between design and efficiency in digital marketing can be seen in the example of CTA. For instance, the red CTA button has a higher CTR than its green counterpart. This is one of the simplest tricks of the industries and rules of the game. It doesn’t end here. The position of the CTA button also impacts its effectiveness. For instance, placing the CTA button in a visible place but after the introduction may make a massive impact on its effectiveness. All of these figures can be available to you through various surveys but these are the figures that skilled designers can put to use right away.

5. The white label brings everyone together

In the past, it was relatively hard to find the expert that you’re looking for. Nowadays, there are so many white label companies that bring together experts on mutual projects. Even platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, as well as social networks like LinkedIn, can help bring together individuals with complementary digital marketing skills. A white label SEO company means that it’s a loose organization of all the types of experts and agencies necessary for the project to be handled properly. A lot of specialized agencies like Orion Creative can provide you with the design you need even without having to go white label.

6. Minimalism is responsive

One of the most important things to keep in mind is the fact that the more elements that the pages have the slower they are. Now, we know that the response time is A) a crucial metric and B) pivotal for the overall visitor experience. A positive visitor experience drives return visits which also boosts your rank. Now, remember that when going for minimalism, you’re improving the reaction time. Still, minimalist design can be either efficient, clean and simple or it can be seen as empty, simplistic and baren. It’s down to a designer to determine which of the two is the case.

7. Picking the right strategy

Naturally, the technical prowess of your staff is not all that makes difference. In the age where the majority of your audience uses various devices to access your platform, you need to think about strategy as much as you worry about the technical stuff. One of the first such considerations that you will have to make is whether you should go for a responsive or adaptive design. Each of them has its own advantages and depending on the situation, each can be a huge deal-breaker. It all comes down to your insight and ability to choose the right one.

In conclusion

You see, while programmers are there to execute the web design plan, the majority of them are already well-familiar with the practices of the industry. While designers should be able to come up with the optimal web designs, the programmers are there to ensure that this runs as smoothly as possible. A skilled designer can make your site look as nice as possible and a skilled programmer can ensure that its development fits into your possibilities.

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