000WebHost : Free and Best Web Hosting Provider

In today’s competitive world where customer service and convenience to the customer are the two main factors behind ever successful business, not having a website of one’s business is substantially decreasing tons of opportunity for the business. A website can be used for too many purposes like marketing, sales, market penetration, customer feedback etc. It’s like hitting multiple targets with three arrows. A website is extremely cost effective because it does not give one electricity bills, thefts and damages. If one is sole owner of his business, it is impossible for him to keep his business open at all times, whereas a website is available 27/7/365.

Nowadays with the big bang of ecommerce business one doesn’t even have to move from his home to buy things, thus if one business is not present on the internet it is really going to lose a lot of sales. Due to this convenience provided by the websites, smart business heavily rely on housing their products on their websites so attract potential customers without them even having roam on streets to find products. Website has also become a seal of authenticity. A great looking website will immediately portray the fact that the business is reputable and trustworthy. If the websites also have feedback from various customers than the customers and clients form a blindfolded trust on the business.

Websites can enlist one’s product and start selling them and with proper logistics, one can manage their entire sales through it. For online marketing to be successful or simply to do online marketing of one’s business or product, its necessary to have some physical location on the World Wide Web and a website provides that. Bottom line is that website is extremely vital for any business and even though costs of website are less it’s a lot for most small scale businesses. 000webhost lets an individual or an organisation to create a website for 0 cost i.e., it is absolutely free to completely develop and put a website on the internet for anyone to access it. But there are solutions to even ease those problems. Before knowing how to cut costs on the website, one must know how to start a website and the things that one needs to do in order to develop a website.

First of all a website is a collection of interconnected webpages which contains text, images, audio, videos and files in a certain systematic order. Home page is the first page one sees when they visit a website. There are two types of websites: static and dynamic website. A static website is a website who pages does not change and are coded in simple HTML whereas dynamic website use a variety of server side and client side language to display results and things according to how one fill out the choices on the website. 000webhost lets one host both static and dynamic website for free.

There are in general three most basic steps of creating a website-

A) Creating and designing a website:-

There are lot of things to consider while designing and creating one’s website. Will it be a travelling website, or ecommerce website or a simple blog? Than one has to decide what language one will use to create the website. Will one use any framework of the languages to better assist in their website working? There are many website builders available in market which can help ease codes and shorten programs to be written. The Best is powered by zyro on 000webhost.com.

000webhost is one of the best hosting provider which has hundreds of free beautiful and diverse templates. Instead of writing difficult codes for the website one can simply use their graphical user interface and the software keeps on writing the code for them at the background process. If one wants to add text directly add text no need to write 15 lines of codes for that. It is that easy. This is great when one has to create static websites. But when there are databases involved and dynamic websites like ecommerce websites comes in play, 000webhost.com lets one use a large number of frameworks, be it the WORDPRESS which forms the base for millions of websites on internet today.

Not only it provides WordPress it also optimized the WordPress to make one site less heavy so customers can load websites very fast. Besides WordPress, high rated and very efficient frameworks like Joomla and Drupal etc. can also be installed on the 000webhost.comCpanel. The file manager, the databases and optimization SEO, all are very easy to manage and control on Cpanel provided by the 000webhost.com. 000webhost.com also provided opportunity to the programmers to even upload their own websites directly without any problem.

B) Buying a domain name: –

If one can code their website themselves then the website cost is divided into two parts minor cost being getting a domain name and major cost being getting a server to host their website. 000webhost.com allows one to get a domain name for free which is generally their username plus 000webhost.com suffix at the end. It also provides one to use their own domain name.

C) Get Web Hosting: –

The major cost for all website is getting an online server also called webhosting. One can also make one’s computer a webserver for his website but one has to keep their pc computer switched on all day all night which will add to substantial electricity costs. So instead of this, big companies with big computers provides one an opportunity that they will host the individual website in place of some annual fees. But 000webhost.com provides one free web hosting also. Free servers and SQL tables too at no hidden costs whatsoever.

Off course one can provide as much free content as they can. To upload more than one website and to get unlimited access and more, once can upgrade to pro version. From 1000 MB disk space to unlimited disk space, from 2 SQL databases to unlimited SQL databases, from 2 websites to unlimited websites, free one domain name, WordPress optimization, from 5 email accounts to unlimited email account all this for just $3.49 a month. More advanced and professional people can opt for business gold hosting programme which offers great live support and SSL certification etc.

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